Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency: Ultimate Guide to Save

During scorching summers, a reliable air conditioner becomes an indispensable need rather than a mere indulgence. Therefore, ensuring your AC unit’s maximum efficiency is vital to surviving hot summers and saving on your energy bill. Poston Brothers is here to bring you the ultimate guide to air conditioner energy efficiency, helping you save big while enjoying a refreshing and comfortable atmosphere all year round.

Don’t let the heat get the best of you. You can stay cool, save money, and live your best life with us. Contact us now for all your cooling needs, including AC repair in Union, KY, and let’s turn your home into a haven of comfort and energy efficiency!

Ready to Optimize Your Air Conditioning System? Get in Touch Today!

Understanding Energy Efficiency
Let’s start by decoding the jargon. Energy efficiency in air conditioning refers to how effectively your AC unit converts energy into cooling comfort. An energy-efficient AC unit will run smoothly, using less energy to keep your rooms cool, ultimately lowering your power bills while providing optimal comfort.

The SEER Rating: Your Guide to Efficiency
Air conditioning units are equipped with a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating, a crucial indicator of their efficiency. A higher SEER rating corresponds to greater energy efficiency, meaning reduced energy consumption and lower energy bills. It’s that simple!

Practical Steps to Improve Energy Efficiency
You can take several proactive steps to enhance your air conditioner’s energy efficiency.

  • Regular Maintenance: Regular AC maintenance can improve efficiency by up to 40%. It involves routine checks and tune-ups that ensure the unit runs optimally, preventing small problems from escalating into costly repairs. Our professionals inspect and clean components such as coils, motors, and refrigerant levels during maintenance. We also tighten electrical connections, ensuring smooth operation and maximizing energy efficiency.
  • Air Filter Replacement: Regularly replacing your air filters can significantly improve your unit’s efficiency. The accumulation of dust and debris within the filters can obstruct airflow, causing the unit to operate more strenuously and consequently increasing energy consumption. Replacing the filters at recommended intervals, typically every 1-3 months, ensures proper airflow and reduces strain on the system. This enhances energy efficiency and aids in preserving excellent indoor air quality by capturing pollutants and allergens.
  • Thermostat Settings: Another simple way to increase efficiency is by smartly managing your thermostat settings. By using a programmable thermostat, you have the flexibility to adjust temperature settings according to your daily schedule, reducing energy usage when you’re away from home or while you’re sleeping. You can set higher temperatures during the day when no one is home and lower temperatures before you return. This strategic temperature control helps optimize energy consumption and saves on cooling costs.
  • Upgrading Your Unit: If your AC unit is over 10 years old, it may not be as energy efficient as newer models. Modern air conditioners boast higher SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings and innovative features designed to minimize energy use. Opting for a newer and more efficient model can result in significant long-term energy savings. Newer units also often come with advanced technologies, such as variable-speed compressors and smart thermostats, further enhancing energy efficiency and comfort.

By following these detailed tips, you can maximize the energy efficiency of your AC system, saving both energy and money in the long run while enjoying optimal cooling performance.

Your Partner in Energy Efficiency

At Poston Brothers, we take pride in helping our clients achieve optimal AC energy efficiency. Whether it’s regular maintenance, air filter replacements, or air conditioning repair in Union, KY, our team of professionals is ready to assist you.

Every degree of cooling you enjoy in your home should be a product of efficient energy use, which saves your pocket and contributes to a sustainable environment. Our team is committed to helping you make this a reality while ensuring your home remains a haven of comfort.

Ready to begin your journey towards better energy efficiency and greater savings on your cooling bills? Reach out to us. We’re just one call or email away. So why wait? Dive into a sweeter, cooler life today.

Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency: Ultimate Guide To Savings

At Poston Brothers, we understand the importance of energy efficiency in your home, particularly regarding your air conditioning system. That’s why we’ve created this ultimate guide to savings, which will give you the knowledge needed to make informed decisions about air conditioning installation in Union, KY. Give us a call to learn more about all our services.

Choose Poston Brothers for Your Ultimate Air Conditioner Efficiency Upgrade!

In the scorching heat of summer, nothing provides relief quite like a well-functioning air conditioner. But did you know your energy bills could soar to new heights while enjoying that cool breeze? Enter Poston Brothers’ ultimate guide to air conditioner energy efficiency – the key to staying comfortable without breaking the bank.

  • The Cost of Comfort
    Air conditioning undoubtedly makes life more comfortable, but it also represents a significant portion of your monthly energy expenses. If you are searching for ways to minimize costs while maximizing comfort, you can significantly benefit from mastering air conditioner energy efficiency.
  • Choosing the Right Air Conditioner
    The journey to energy savings begins with selecting the right air conditioner. When considering a new unit, keep an eye out for the ENERGY STAR® label. These units are independently certified to meet stringent energy efficiency standards, consuming up to 50% less energy than conventional models. The initial investment may be slightly higher, but the long-term savings are well worth it.
  • Size Matters
    Bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to air conditioners. Oversized units tend to cycle on and off more frequently, leading to energy waste and uneven cooling. On the other hand, undersized units will struggle to maintain the desired temperature, working overtime and consuming excess energy. Consult with professionals, like those at Poston Brothers, to ensure you’re choosing the right size for your space.
  • Regular Maintenance
    Like any other mechanical system, air conditioner units require regular maintenance to perform at their best. Clogged filters, dirty coils, and blocked vents can force your unit to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy consumption. Schedule annual maintenance checks to keep your AC running efficiently and catch any issues before they escalate.
  • Smart Thermostats
    Investing in a smart thermostat can be a game-changer for energy efficiency. These devices learn your schedule and adjust the temperature accordingly, ensuring your AC doesn’t run at full blast when you’re not home. Some models even offer remote control through smartphone apps, allowing you to modify settings from anywhere, further optimizing energy usage.
  • Sealing and Insulation
    Even the most energy-efficient air conditioner will struggle to keep your home cool if there are gaps in your insulation or leaks around doors and windows. Consider upgrading insulation or applying weatherstripping to keep your home’s energy footprint in check.
  • Strategic Use of Shade
    The sun’s rays can heat your home significantly, causing your air conditioner to work overtime. Strategically planting trees or installing window shading can reduce the direct sunlight that enters your home, leading to a cooler indoor environment and less strain on your AC unit.
  • Nighttime Advantage
    Take advantage of cooler nighttime temperatures by turning off your air conditioner and letting nature do the work. Open windows to promote cross-ventilation and use fans to circulate the air. This reduces energy consumption and gives your AC a much-needed break.

Energy efficiency doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort. With the right air conditioner selection, regular maintenance, smart thermostats, proper insulation, and strategic use of shade and nighttime temperatures, you can enjoy a cooler home while significantly reducing your energy bills. Trust Poston Brothers, your reliable partner in air conditioning replacement in Union, KY, to guide you through boosting your air conditioner’s energy efficiency.

Elevate Your Cooling Experience With Poston Brothers

With Poston Brothers, you are investing in high-quality air conditioners and a commitment to energy efficiency and lower utility bills. We guide you through every step of the process – from the initial selection and air conditioning installation in Union, KY to providing tips on maintaining the efficiency of your system. We are dedicated to helping you create a comfortable home environment without the financial stress of soaring energy bills.
Remember – savings and comfort can coexist, and we at Poston Brothers are here to make that possible for you.

8 Common Causes of an Air Conditioning System Breakdown

Are you tired of sweltering in the heat while your air conditioning unit struggles to keep up? Don’t let a malfunctioning AC leave you in discomfort. Poston Brothers is here to rescue you from the scorching temperatures with our top-notch air conditioner repair in Walton, KY. Say goodbye to sweaty days and sleepless nights. Our professionals are ready to diagnose and fix the issues causing your AC woes. Stay cool, calm, and collected – reach out to us for efficient and reliable solutions that bring back the refreshing breeze you deserve. Is your air conditioning system struggling? Uncover the culprits with us.

Understanding the Culprits: 8 Reasons Behind Air Conditioning System Breakdowns

  • Lack of Regular Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance is one of the leading causes of air conditioning system breakdowns. With time, dust, dirt, and debris can get into various parts of the system, causing it to work harder and less efficiently. This strain can lead to increased wear and tear on components, resulting in breakdowns. Routine maintenance, such as cleaning coils, checking refrigerant levels, and inspecting electrical connections, can prevent these issues and keep your system running smoothly.
  • Dirty or Clogged Filters: Air filters are essential for maintaining indoor air quality and system efficiency. When filters become dirty or clogged, they restrict the airflow through the system. As a result, the air conditioner has to work harder to circulate air, leading to reduced cooling efficiency and increased energy consumption. Regularly changing or cleaning filters is a simple yet effective way to prevent this problem and extend the life of your system.
  • Refrigerant Leaks: Refrigerant is crucial for the cooling process in your air conditioning system. If there’s a refrigerant leak, the system’s cooling capacity diminishes, and the unit may struggle to provide adequate cooling. Low refrigerant levels lead the compressor to overwork, leading to potential damage. Detecting and repairing refrigerant leaks promptly ensures proper cooling performance and prevents further issues.
  • Electrical Component Failures: The electrical components of an air conditioning system, including wiring, capacitors, and relays, are prone to wear and tear over time. Faulty wiring or corroded connections can disrupt the electrical flow, leading to system malfunctions or complete shutdowns. Regular inspections of electrical components and timely repairs can prevent electrical issues from causing breakdowns.
  • Compressor Issues: Compressor issues can arise due to electrical problems, refrigerant imbalances, or inadequate maintenance. If the compressor fails, your AC will likely blow warm air or fail to cool the space. Prompt attention to compressor issues is crucial to prevent extensive damage to the entire system.
  • Frozen Evaporator Coils: Evaporator coils play a vital role in absorbing heat from the air to cool it down. However, the evaporator coils can freeze if airflow is restricted due to dirty filters, blocked vents, or low refrigerant levels. Frozen coils reduce cooling efficiency and can increase strain on the system’s components, potentially causing a breakdown.
  • Thermostat Malfunctions: The thermostat controls the temperature settings of your air conditioning system. If the thermostat malfunctions or reads the temperature inaccurately, the system might run longer than necessary or shut off prematurely. This leads to uneven cooling, discomfort, and increased energy consumption.
  • Overworked System: During periods of extreme heat, your air conditioning system can become overworked if it constantly runs without breaks. Overworking can cause components to overheat, wear out faster, and eventually lead to system breakdowns. To avoid this, use programmable thermostats to regulate cooling schedules and provide your system with much-needed rest.

Understanding these eight common causes of air conditioning system breakdowns can help you take proactive measures to prevent them. Regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and attention to system performance are key to ensuring your air conditioner operates efficiently and reliably, keeping you comfortable even during the year’s hottest days. If you’re facing an air conditioning breakdown, it’s advisable to contact professionals like Poston Brothers for expert diagnosis, repair, and maintenance services.

Contact Poston Brothers for Reliable Air Conditioning Solutions

Don’t let an air conditioning breakdown leave you sweltering in the heat. Contact Poston Brothers today for comprehensive air conditioning service in Walton, KY and surrounding areas. We’re dedicated to restoring comfort and ensuring your cooling system runs flawlessly. Trust us to diagnose, repair, and maintain your AC, ensuring you enjoy reliable and efficient cooling all year.

Say goodbye to AC woes and hello to reliable comfort with Poston Brothers by your side.

Are There AC Maintenance Tasks You Can Do on Your Own?

Regularly maintaining your air conditioning unit is essential to ensure its longevity, energy efficiency, and optimal performance. While professional maintenance is essential, you can also perform several tasks on your own to keep your AC in great shape. In this blog, we will explore some air conditioner maintenance tasks you can tackle, empowering you to take control of your cooling system’s well-being.

Poston Brothers Heating & Cooling offers air conditioning installation and replacement services in Union, KY. We recommend regular AC maintenance to improve performance and extend your system’s lifespan. By following these do-it-yourself tips, you can save on repair costs while enhancing your air conditioning’s performance.

Clean or Replace Air Filters

One of the simplest and most effective maintenance tasks you can do alone is cleaning or replacing the air filters. Over time, filters accumulate dust, dirt, and debris, hindering airflow and reducing efficiency. Clogged filters also negatively impact indoor air quality, leading to potential health issues.

To clean reusable filters, gently vacuum or rinse them with water and allow them to dry before reinstallation. Disposable filters should be replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations or at least every three months. Keeping your filters clean improves air quality and ensures your AC operates efficiently.

Clear Debris from Outdoor Unit

The exterior unit of your air conditioner can accumulate leaves, dirt, grass, and other debris, obstructing proper airflow and potentially damaging the system. Regularly inspect and clean the area around your outdoor unit. Trim vegetation, remove debris, and ensure at least two feet of clearance around the unit for optimal performance.

Check the Evaporator and Condenser Coils

Over time, the evaporator and condenser coils can collect dirt and dust, reducing their efficiency and impairing heat transfer. This can lead to high consumption of energy and decreased cooling performance. Inspect these coils and clean them if you notice any build-up.

Carefully remove dirt and debris from the coils using a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner. Ensure the power is turned off before attempting any cleaning. If the coils are heavily soiled, it is advisable to contact a professional for a more thorough cleaning.

Clean the Condensate Drain Line

The condensate drain line removes the moisture extracted from the air during the cooling process. Over time, the drain line can become clogged with algae, mold, or debris, leading to water leakage and potential damage to your air conditioning system.

To prevent clogs, locate the drain line and gently flush it with a mixture of bleach and water. This will help remove any accumulated build-up and keep the line clear. Regularly checking and cleaning the condensate drain line can prevent costly repairs.

Regular upkeep is essential to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your air conditioning system. While it is crucial to schedule professional maintenance and inspections, you can perform several maintenance tasks on your own. Following these do-it-yourself tips can save money and keep your AC in great shape.

However, it is always advisable to consult a professional for more complex tasks or if you are unsure about any aspect of AC maintenance. Contact Poston Brothers Heating & Cooling, your reliable air conditioning replacement and installation provider in Union, KY, is ready to assist you with all your cooling system needs.



As we move towards a more energy-efficient future, HVAC systems have become an essential component in our homes and workplaces. They help us maintain a comfortable and safe indoor environment, especially in harsh weather conditions. However, traditional HVAC systems have limitations, one of which is, they lack the capacity to regulate temperatures in different rooms, ensuring optimal comfort and improving indoor air quality for every occupant.

Zone control systems offer a range of benefits that traditional HVAC systems cannot match, and one of the most significant benefits is the improvement of indoor air quality. Poston Brothers explain how you can improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency with a zoned system installed in your home.


Zone control systems allow you to control the temperature of each room in your house or building independently. This means that you can adjust the temperature in each zone according to individual preferences. For instance, if you have a guest room that is rarely occupied, you can program the zone’s thermostat to run at a lower temperature, saving energy and, in turn, money. In contrast, rooms that are frequently used, such as common areas, can be set to the desired temperature for maximum comfort.

This individual temperature control helps to reduce energy consumption, which in turn reduces your carbon footprint while saving you money on energy bills.


There are two ways you can add a zoned system to your home. The easiest and most effective way is with ductless mini-splits. Ductless mini-splits are air handlers that are installed in each room, or multiple rooms to create a zone. Each one has its own temperature controls for individualized comfort. Since ductless mini-splits are not connected to ductwork, a place where many contaminants and allergens hide, installing these systems in your home will greatly improve indoor air quality. Ductless mini-splits require an outdoor compressor which can be a heat pump so that they can provide both heating and cooling functions to your space.

The other way to create a zoned system in your home is with dampers. Dampers are installed in your air ducts and will open and close to control how much air is added to a zone. If you have empty bedrooms upstairs, it’s easy to close the dampers and save energy by not allowing conditioned air to enter empty rooms without putting additional strain on your heating and cooling systems. Dampers can also be controlled by individual thermostats.


The benefit of a zone control system goes beyond just controlling the temperature. With the system’s ability to regulate air distribution, it helps significantly with ventilation and improving indoor air quality. The technology allows for air control in each zone, so you can determine airflow levels, reducing dust and other air pollution that may be present in your home or workplace. This is especially beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory issues, who are often sensitive to dust and other particulate matter in the air.

By reducing indoor air pollution, the system helps maintain healthy indoor air quality. In traditional HVAC systems, air circulation occurs throughout the entire building, which can result in the transportation of potentially hazardous materials from one area to another. With zone control systems, you can control the flow of air to specific zones, preventing pollutants from traveling to other parts of the building. This works toward improving indoor air quality alongside an air purifier or air cleaner and promotes a clean and healthy living or working environment.

Another essential aspect of zoning is its ability to offer better humidity control. It is no secret that damp environments can attract a range of harmful substances, including mold and fungi that can irritate respiratory systems. However, with zone control technology, you can control the air conditioning levels accurately in different zones. As a result, this enables you to better manage humidity levels, reducing the risk of moisture buildup that can damage your property or cause health problems. Dehumidifiers and humidifiers are other great tools to help you balance indoor moisture for a more comfortable living area.


Zone control systems offer numerous benefits to homeowners and business owners as they manage temperature levels, air quality, and humidity. The systems are suitable for buildings of all sizes and come with an array of customizable features. Not only do they provide better health and comfort by improving indoor air quality, but they also cut back the cost of utilities by saving energy. Contact Poston Brothers today to learn more about this incredible HVAC technology!



An HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system includes all of the appliances, ductwork, and electrical connections that keep your home safe from the weather outside. For most homeowners, you will have an air conditioner and a furnace. There are many different options and designs that regulate and maintain indoor temperature, humidity, and air quality. The system is responsible for providing a comfortable and healthy indoor environment for your home.

The primary components of an HVAC system include a furnace or boiler (for heating), air conditioner or heat pump (for cooling), air ducts (for distribution), ventilation systems (for air exchange), and air filters (for indoor air quality). These components work together to heat or cool the air, circulate it through the building, remove stale air, and introduce fresh air.

HVAC systems are typically designed and installed based on the specific needs and layout of the building. They are important to invest in HVAC maintenance in order to keep your home and indoor air quality high for the health of occupants, as well as protect equipment and materials from damage due to temperature or humidity fluctuations. If you’ve never done HVAC maintenance before or are unsure where to begin, the team at Poston Brothers has a comprehensive list of how to maintain your heating and cooling system.


HVAC systems have a number of components that require regular maintenance to keep the system working efficiently and effectively. Here are some of the key maintenance tasks required on an HVAC system:

  • Air Filters: The air filters in an HVAC unit should be checked at least once a month and replaced as needed. Dirty or clogged filters can reduce airflow and cause the system to work harder, which can lead to higher energy bills and premature wear and tear on the equipment.
  • Coils: The HVAC unit’s condenser and evaporator coils can become dirty over time, which can reduce their efficiency and cause the system to work harder. Regular cleaning of the coils can help maintain their efficiency and prolong the life of the equipment.
  • Electrical Connections: Loose or corroded electrical connections can cause the system to malfunction or even pose a safety hazard. Regular inspection and tightening of electrical connections can help prevent these issues.
  • Motors: The fan and compressor motors in an HVAC system can wear out over time and need to be inspected and lubricated regularly. This can help prevent motor failure and extend the life of the equipment.
  • Refrigerant: The refrigerant levels in an air conditioning or heat pump system should be checked and refilled as needed. Low refrigerant levels can cause the system to work harder and reduce its efficiency.
  • Ductwork: Your home’s ductwork should be inspected regularly for leaks or damage. Leaky ductwork can cause the system to work harder and reduce its efficiency, as well as allow pollutants and allergens to enter the building.

These are just a few examples of the maintenance tasks required to make sure your whole system works properly in tandem. Regular HVAC maintenance is important to prevent breakdowns, improve energy efficiency, and prolong the life of the equipment. It’s recommended to hire a professional HVAC technician to perform these maintenance tasks.


The frequency of HVAC maintenance can vary depending on a number of factors, including the age and condition of the equipment, how often it is used, and the specific needs of the building. However, there are some general guidelines that can help determine how often to do HVAC maintenance.

  • Filters: Air filters in your HVAC system should be checked at least once a month and replaced as needed, especially during periods of heavy use. This is a simple task that can be done by the building owner or maintenance staff.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Your heating and cooling system should receive preventive maintenance at least twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. This is a more comprehensive checkup that involves inspecting, cleaning, and tuning up various system components. A professional HVAC technician should be hired to perform this service.
  • Seasonal Maintenance: Before the start of each heating and cooling season, the HVAC system should receive a thorough inspection and cleaning. This can help identify any potential problems before they cause a breakdown during the season.
  • Additional Maintenance: In addition to the above, specific maintenance tasks may need to be performed more or less frequently depending on the equipment and building. For example, rooftop units may need to be inspected more regularly due to exposure to the elements.

By following a regular maintenance schedule, building owners can help keep their HVAC systems operating at peak performance, extend the life of the equipment, and avoid costly breakdowns and repairs.


There are many reasons why HVAC system maintenance is valuable to your home. While you may be hesitant to invest money in a working air conditioning system or furnace that is working fine, regular maintenance can have many benefits.

HVAC maintenance is often preventative maintenance. Our technicians are trained to look out for signs of wear and tear and can replace those parts before they break down unexpectedly. The cleaning and lubricating of your system’s parts and components ensure that it runs as it should. When you have a clean HVAC unit, it will run at peak performance which means it will use as little energy as possible. The lower energy bills you see following your maintenance appointment will often pay for the investment in maintenance costs.

If you haven’t had HVAC maintenance done in a long time, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment now. Many HVAC manufacturers require regular maintenance to keep warranties valid. Warranties can help make extensive repairs more affordable, so its important to maintain the conditions to keep it valid. If your warranty is no longer valid or has expired and you need expensive repairs, it might be more economical to replace your system.


HVAC maintenance should be done twice a year. Once for your cooling system and again for your heating system. Heat pumps should also be maintained twice a year since then work throughout the year to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

When you call Poston Brothers for professional HVAC maintenance, the first thing we’ll do is talk to you. We will ask you questions about your air conditioner’s performance and any issues you’ve encountered. Then, we’ll look at every component of the air conditioner, inside and out, and replace or repair any problem parts we find. A typical air conditioning tune-up appointment will include:

  • Installing a new air filter
  • Calibrating the thermostat
  • Inspecting electrical connections
  • Inspecting the fan and compressor motors
  • Cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils
  • Clearing dust and debris from inside the unit
  • Inspecting the exhaust
  • Checking fuel connections
  • Checking and refilling refrigerant levels


As an HVAC company, Poston Brothers provides exceptionally high-quality maintenance for all of our customers. One of the key advantages of working with a professional company is peace of mind. When you form a relationship with a reliable, local HVAC contractor your equipment is cared for by well-trained professional HVAC technicians. Let Poston Brothers be your go-to HVAC company. Schedule your appointment for seasonal maintenance today.

Why You Need a Dehumidifier in Your Home

Summers in Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio are no stranger to high humidity. Installing a whole home dehumidifier can be a smart investment in protecting your property and improving the health of your family members. Poor indoor air quality plays a major role in seasonal allergies and provoking respiratory issues. A whole-home dehumidifier is a useful device that helps control high humidity levels throughout your home. Unlike a room dehumidifier, a whole-house dehumidifier mounts into the HVAC system to treat the entire home. Poston Brothers examine the benefits of a whole-house dehumidifier, how it works,  does, and how you should use it to get the most out of it.

What is the Purpose of a Whole-Home Dehumidifier?

Excess humidity is common in certain areas of the home like basements and crawlspaces. Spring and summer months can cause humidity to rise throughout your home. A modern air conditioner system helps to control humidity but a whole-house dehumidifier provides a much more comprehensive system. The purpose of a whole-home system can be a preventative measure to prevent moisture problems.

In Northern Kentucky and the Cincinnati area, Poston Brothers Heating & Cooling helps homeowners create a layer of protection between the outdoor environment and their homes. When you consult with your local HVAC professional about a new air conditioner, HVAC system or you are simply experiencing issues within your home, a whole home dehumidifier can maintain the ideal indoor humidity levels. This can have a number of benefits including:

Prevent Mold Growth

Biological growth including mold thrives in moist environments. High humidity levels provide the perfect breeding ground for mold, especially in bathrooms, basements, crawlspaces, and attics, rooms that don’t have great ventilation or a window. Once mold grows it can quickly spread and lead to health issues and damage to your property. A dehumidifier helps reduce the humidity levels so the mold never has a chance to grow.

Reduce Allergies

Fresh air ventilation is very difficult to maintain when humidity levels are high. Stagnant air combined with moisture can aggravate allergies by providing a favorable environment for dust mites and other allergens. If you have family members with seasonal allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues, you may already have a single-room dehumidifier in your home. These devices treat a particular area like a bedroom or a nursery. Installing a whole-house dehumidifier improves the indoor air quality throughout every room in your home, making life a bit easier for allergy sufferers.

Protect Furniture and Electronics

Flooring that is warped is a telltale sign of high humidity. Wood can swell and warp when humidity levels rise. If you have doors that stick, drawers that jamb, or furniture that is damaged, the cause may be indoor humidity. In extreme cases, electronics can malfunction due to humidity. A dehumidifier helps prevent this damage from occurring.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is not only related to allergies. High humidity levels can lead to musty and unpleasant odors in your home. A dehumidifier reduces these odors, improving the overall air quality in your home.

Save Energy

One of the best reasons to invest in a whole-home dehumidifier is to reduce energy use. When humidity levels are too high, the air feels warmer. You are more likely to increase the use of your HVAC system when humidity levels are excessive within your home. Once a whole-house dehumidifier is installed, you can lower the temperature settings on your thermostat without sacrificing comfort.

How Does a Whole-House Dehumidifier Work?

A whole-house dehumidifier is typically installed into the air handler of your home’s HVAC system. The dehumidifier draws air over a cold coil. The coil reduces the air to a temperature below its dew point. This causes the moisture in humid air to condense. The dry air then passes into the air handler where is treated by the evaporator coil and circulated throughout your home. The moisture that condenses on the coil is collected in a drip pan and drained away through a pipe or pump.

A whole-home dehumidifier may be used seasonally or at all times. It is less likely to use a dehumidifier unit during cold seasons. Modern whole-house dehumidifiers have sensors that monitor the relative humidity in your home and adjust the dehumidifier’s operation accordingly. Some models feature a humidistat that allows you to set a specific humidity level that you would like to maintain. In forced air heating seasons, you may opt to turn off your dehumidifier to reduce wear and prolong the life of the device.

Whole-house dehumidifiers are durable and require very little maintenance. One of the only drawbacks of these devices is energy requirements. The devices run on electricity and therefore require ongoing operating costs.

How Do You Know If You Need A Dehumidifier?

Generally, when you consult with your local HVAC expert a quick inspection or just a series of questions can determine whether you need a whole-house dehumidifier. You can test indoor humidity yourself with a humidistat. There are also signs of excessive moisture levels in your home including:

  • High Humidity Levels – Indoor relative humidity should be a consistent 50%. Higher levels should be controlled by a dehumidifier.
  • Water Spots, Mold, or Mildew Growth – Any indications of mildew growth or water stains can indicate high humidity.
  • Musty Odors – If your home has musty odors or stale smells in certain areas, a whole home dehumidifier can help. This can be common in below-ground spaces including basements and crawlspaces where humidity, low light, and poor circulation create an ideal environment for biological growth.
  • Condensation on Windows and Doors – Condensation settling on your windows and glass doors is a sign there is too much moisture in the air. A dehumidifier can help remove this excess moisture and prevent condensation from forming.
  • Allergies or Respiratory Problems – As previously mentioned one of the most common causes of respiratory issues are high humidity and low humidity. A whole-home dehumidifier can help everyone in the home and even improve sleep patterns.
  • Warped Wood or Peeling Wallpaper – If you notice that your wood floors or furniture are warping or your wallpaper is peeling, it’s a sign that there is too much moisture in the air.

Should I Use Dehumidifier in Summer or Winter?

You can use a dehumidifier in both summer and winter but for different reasons.

In the warmer spring and summer months, the air tends to be more humid due to conditions outside the home. Using a dehumidifier can help remove excess moisture from the air, making your home feel more comfortable.

In winter, the air tends to be drier due to colder temperatures and increased use of heating systems. That’s when you might opt for a humidifier. A dehumidifier can take away moisture, and a humidifier can add it. Excessively dry indoor air can also cause issues for those with respiratory issues, as well as dry skin, and electric shocks. The team at Poston Brothers can set your HVAC system up with both devices to provide comfort to your home in every season.

Call Poston Brothers to Install a Whole Home Dehumidifier

Poston Brothers offers complete consultations with homeowners. Our team works to find the best solutions to control excess humidity within your home. In some cases portable and single room dehumidifiers are a practical solution. However, these devices can take up a lot of space, create noise and only offer humidity control in a small space. If you have seen any signs of excessive humidity within your home, then your friendly local indoor air quality experts are eager to help.

There is a simple process of testing humidity levels in your home and matching a dehumidifier that is compatible with your HVAC system. Installation is a simple process and operating the system is very easy. If you are interested in finding out if a whole house dehumidifier can benefit you contact Poston Brothers.

Do Heat Pumps Use a Lot of Electricity?

If you are considering installing a heat pump, there’s a good chance you are motivated to save money on electricity bills. Cooling and heating efficiency are among the top features of modern heat pumps. Before you assume using a heat pump will save compared to conventional air conditioning, you should understand how to choose the best system and all of the factors that can affect how much electricity heat pumps use.

When a new HVAC appliance is installed, you should consider the long term costs of ownership and operation. Heat pumps can be an energy-efficient heating and cooling option. Since a heat pump operates solely on electricity these appliances are considered more eco-friendly than some other HVAC equipment. Just like natural gas furnaces are a major factor in your monthly energy bill, a heat pump will impact your electric bill. So it is no surprise that many homeowners’ first question when considering installing a heat pump is “how much are the electricity costs?”.


There is no simple answer but as an HVAC expert, Poston Brothers has great insight into how to reduce your electricity bill while enjoying all the great benefits of a heat pump.

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

A heat pump is considered renewable energy. Air source heat pumps are becoming very popular to replace air conditioners and either replace or heavily supplement natural gas furnaces. Geothermal heat pumps harness energy stored in the ground where stable temperatures year round provide energy to heat, cool and even power hot water.

All heat pumps work by transferring heat from one location to another. Refrigerant is pressurized in the compressor in the outdoor unit. Air inside the home circulates across coils inside the air handler. During cooling mode, cold refrigerant exchanges heat, lowering indoor temperatures and transferring heat outside. During heat mode, the process is reversed. Outdoor air is pressurized and the heat from the pressurized refrigerant is transferred into your indoor air. Electricity consumption of both an air source heat pump and a geothermal heat pump relies on the heat pump unit, as well as the installation and maintenance of the system.

Choosing the Most Energy Efficient Heat Pump

There is no clear choice for the ideal heat pump because there are so many variations in home size, design and environmental factors throughout the country. In our region, Poston Brothers must consider how a heat pump will work during the winter. Heat pump technology is rapidly advancing but one of the primary factors that impacts a heat pump’s electricity usage is the climate. In colder climates, an air source heat pump will work harder to extract heat from the outdoor air. This may result in higher electricity usage especially if you choose the wrong heat pump.

If you live in an older home or a home with poor insulation, the heat gain and heat loss ratio will also impact how much electricity your heat pump consumes. It is worth noting that even in colder climates, heat pumps are generally more energy-efficient than traditional heating systems like natural gas furnaces. When selecting a heat pump that will use the least amount of electricity, consult with an HVAC expert about the following factors.


Heat pump technology means air source heat pumps and geothermal are becoming much more energy efficient even in colder climates. There are a number of models that manufacturers design specifically to improve electricity costs during extreme weather.

Heat Pump Size

Just like a furnace or air conditioner, you will need to match the right size of heat pump to your home. There are calculators to factor the ideal British Thermal Units (BTUs) suited to your home design and lifestyle. A heat pump’s running costs largely depend on the installation and maintenance so it is important to consult a heat pump specialist.

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating

Another factor that impacts a heat pump’s electricity usage is the efficiency rating or SEER. Within the different sizes of heat pumps, you will see features that increase the cost of the unit. Some features will increase the indoor air quality or enhance operating features during heat pump use. Understanding how the additional features will improve your electricity bills and usage is a question for your contractor. Different manufacturers are designing improvements to convert energy more efficiently. SEER is a constant throughout the industry. A higher seasonal energy efficiency rating means the heat pump will use less energy.

Optimizing the HVAC System

The final consideration when choosing the most energy efficient heat pump is considering all of the components within the HVAC system. Both in heating mode and cooling mode, a heat pump can provide an ideal renewable energy. When you work with a professional expert to match the proper heat pump unit to your home, you can also optimize your system around your lifestyle.

For instance, a smart thermostat adjusts the temperature in your house around your schedule. By adjusting your temperature settings smart thermostats save an average of 8% on energy bills.

Maintaining your system also helps to reduce strain on your heat pump and air handler. When a heat pump runs dirt, airborne debris and general wear can reduce efficiency. Professional inspections in the spring and fall make sure your system is running at peak efficiency.

As part of installing a new heat pump and ongoing maintenance, protecting your air ducts is a primary way to reduce how much electricity you use. The amount of heating and cooling wasted due to poorly designed and leaking air ducts surprises most homeowners. As much as 25-40% of treated air is lost to energy waste.

Regularly changing your air filter and keeping the area around your heat pump and indoor air handler clean improves air flow and improves your over energy consumption. Another DIY consideration throughout the year is sealing leaks in windows and drafty doors. Adding insulation is another way to protect your home and minimize heat pump use. Ultimately, the less air source heat pumps and geothermal systems run the lower your electric bill.

Finally, the patterns of the occupants in your home impact a heat pump’s electricity usage. For example, if the thermostat is set very high or very low, the heat pump may need to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Improving indoor air quality with a whole house humidifier, air cleaners and air purifiers helps you and your family feel more comfortable without relying solely on the temperature settings.

Is a Heat Pump the Right Choice?

In almost every comparison, a heat pump can be a more energy efficient and eco-friendly alternative to an air conditioner. Choosing the best system to suit your home and lifestyle is most important. For homeowners who are focused on reducing reliance on fossil fuels like natural gas, an air source heat pump may be appealing. In some of these cases, adding an HVAC solar panel system can truly reduce your carbon footprint in sunny and warmer climates.

During cold weather, a heat pump uses more electricity and in some climates when the outdoor temperature falls steadily converting energy in the air can be inefficient. So air source heat pumps stop working effectively in extremely cold weather. This means you need to work with a heat pump specialist. Depending on where you live and the design of your home, you may use a hybrid system where a heat pump works to cool and heat your home most of the time a natural gas furnace supplements heat on the most extreme weather days.

Since there are so many factors to optimizing how much electricity heat pumps use, your decision should be informed and deliberate. A heat pump is a long term solution built to last for well over a decade with proper care and maintenance. When you work with a heat pump specialist like Poston Brothers, you will get honest and fair guidance. Heating and cooling systems can use far less electricity when designed and cared for properly. Whether you choose to install an air conditioner, furnace or learn more about how a heat pump works for your home, local heating and cooling experts provide insight on how much electricity you can save.

Common Types of Air Conditioner Noises

Your air conditioner making noise makes up the soundtrack of your spring and summer home life. Any change in air conditioner noises can quickly cause alarm. At Poston Brothers, we receive calls and inquiries about every type of air conditioning noise. Some sounds have simple solutions while others are warning signs to shut down your air conditioner immediately. When you understand the common types of air conditioner noises, you can react quickly to protect your HVAC system.

What Do Air Conditioner Noises Mean?

A sudden change in AC noise is not always cause for alarm, but you should react appropriately. Before you try to diagnose an air conditioner repair based on sound alone, you should understand that the key advice anytime you encounter changes in AC noises is to contact a professional HVAC expert. Certified technicians help to accurately diagnose the issue and quickly perform the necessary repairs. The second key point is calling on an HVAC tech as soon as you notice a problem. Many expensive repairs and in extreme cases replacement of air conditioners could have been avoided. The longer a symptom is ignored, the more extensive the damage.

A clicking noise, buzzing sound or rattling noise from your outdoor unit can indicate a number of issues. Your cooling system has many moving parts so a loose hardware connection can create rattling noises that are simple repairs. That same type of noise can also indicate a bearing or seal is damaged. While this comprehensive list of air conditioner noises and what they could mean is helpful, only a trained and skilled tech should diagnose and repair your air conditioner.

Common Air Conditioner Noises


One of the most frequent sounds is squealing from the outdoor unit or the interior air handler. If your air conditioner is making a high pitched squealing noise, it usually indicates a fast moving component.


A few of the components that may be squealing from your air conditioner are the drive belts. Some AC units use belts to operate the blower fan or other components. The belt moves quickly during operation around a pulley. As the belt wears it may become misaligned. Bearings within the pulley and other moving parts can also fail and begin to squeal. If you notice an issue with the belt, a simple replacement may prevent more expensive repairs and damage to more costly components.

Blower motor

Bearings and other small parts can fail within the blower motor. If this happens, you may hear a squeal or shrieking noise. The motor moves quickly and the noise is typically high pitched and stops when the fan is off. The blower motor is responsible for circulating air through your AC system. If the motor is worn or damaged, you may also notice a weak airflow.


Issues with your AC unit fan can also cause squealing sounds. The fan helps to circulate air throughout the system. Dirt on the fan blades and damage to the fan can cause imbalance and squealing. Another symptom of fan issues is banging sounds. If a part becomes dislodged in the housing the fan will reverberate throughout your duct work.


Lack of lubrication on parts and loose parts can also squeal and squeak. The various components in your AC system require lubrication to operate smoothly. If they become dry, it can cause a squealing noise. Routine maintenance prevents this issue.

Humming sounds

Another frequent cause of sounds from your HVAC system is humming noises. These may be caused by electrical issues or airflow.

Loose wires and connections

Vibrations from high speed components may cause hardware and other parts to become loose over time. A stripped wire, bad electrical connection or even corroded connections can cause a humming sound within an AC unit.

Clogged air filter

The sound will not come from the air filter. Rather, a clogged air filter can cause the AC unit’s fan motor to work harder than it should. Under strain, the fan motor may emit a humming noise.

Low refrigerant

Like an air filter, the humming will not come from your refrigerant or the refrigerant lines, but typically causes the compressor to work harder. In extreme cases, a breakdown of the air conditioner will occur. Another symptom of low refrigerant levels and leaks is warm air blowing out of your vents.


The capacitor engages the outside AC unit’s compressor and fan motor. A faulty capacitor may hum or buzz when failing. Humming and buzzing noises are very similar but may have unique causes.

Buzzing sounds

A steady buzz from your air conditioner may be due to lack of maintenance. Air conditioning maintenance is the best way to prevent air conditioning repairs. Many noises are preventable issues caught during annual inspections and cared for during regular tune ups. Buzzing noises from your air conditioner can be unexpected, though. A sudden electrical shock or surge can impact your unit.

Fan motor

Age and neglect can catch up with the fan motor. As one of the primary components within the system, a faulty fan motor will buzz incessantly and may even reduce the airflow throughout your home. This is definitely a component you want to care for. If you experience any power changes or strange noises from your fan motor, turn off the system and call for professional help.

Coil issues

The coils in your AC unit can become dirty or damaged over time. This causes the system to work harder than it should, which can produce a buzzing sound. These components are cleaned and inspected during maintenance to avoid these issues. Another indication of dirty coils is sudden increases in your electric bill.

Bubbling sounds

A bubbling sound may occur when a refrigerant leak is present. Refrigerant is under high internal pressure. A crack in coils or damaged refrigerant lines may present as a bubbling noise. Another liquid sound is gurgling. Condensate lines can become clogged or overflow. If you hear a bubbling or gurgling check the pan and lines for blockages.

Loud noises

There are some sounds that are clear warning signs that you should shut down your system. Whether from the outdoor unit or indoor unit, loud sounds, vibrations and metal against metal can be dangerous and seriously damage your air conditioner and HVAC system. Promptly turn off your system and call for professional air conditioner repair if you experience any of the following strange sounds:

  • Banging sounds
  • Grinding noises
  • Pulsating noises
  • Hissing sounds
  • Whistling noises

What are the Primary Warning Signs of an Air Conditioner Repair?

Timely repairs help to ensure your AC is running and peak efficiency. Some noises are the last warning cries of a breakdown. There are several other warning signs to be alert for prior to hearing any noises.

  1. Reduced airflow: If you notice that the air coming out of your AC vents is weak, your ducts may be damaged, your blower motor may be damaged or your unit could be straining.
  2. Warm air: Warm or hot air blowing from your vents is a clear problem. Obviously you will need to check to make sure the thermostat did not switch from the cooling cycle to heat. The issue may not be in your AC unit but rather a malfunctioning thermostat or just a clogged air filter. You will still want to get to the cause quickly to avoid the shock of AC noises.
  3. Major increases in bills: A sudden spike in energy use is always a concern. When something is wrong with your AC unit, the system will use more electricity to cool your home. Checking your bills is a wise decision.

What to do if Your Air Conditioner Needs Repairs

If you experience any issues with your air conditioning the best practice is to turn off your system and contact a professional. From a loud banging noise to a low whistling sound, you should not risk further damage to your air conditioner. There are items you can check once you turn off your system. Air filters clogged with dirt and airborne debris will cause parts within the air handler to work harder. In the outdoor unit you can check for any foreign objects, dirt build up on the fan and loose hardware. Otherwise, trust an AC technician to diagnose and repair your HVAC unit.

What to Expect When an HVAC Professional Repairs Your Equipment

Certified technicians have the training and tools to test your central AC and provide a clear option for repair. You should expect the appointment to take some time. Highly skilled technicians and reputable contractors evaluate the overall condition of your equipment before providing advice. If the cause of a squealing sound is just an issue with fan blades or a worn belt, then a repair will always make sense. In some cases where a faulty motor or faulty outdoor condenser unit is the cause of loud noises, than the age and overall health of the air conditioning system should be considered.

How Poston Brothers Provides AC Repairs

In the case of Poston Brothers, our team provides a clear and an easy-to-understand diagnosis. As a local company, our reputation is key to our success. This means we answer your questions and allow you to make a thoughtful choice about how to fix AC noises. Our team never puts pressure on customers because we know losing your cooling system can be stressful. We allow you to make the best choice for your family, home and budget.

Once the repair is complete, our technicians test your entire system. As any quality local HVAC contractor should do, we stand behind our work and quickly respond if any other issues arise with your system.